The move to single dorm rooms is interesting and I wonder what it says about how we are moving from a collective to an individualist society?

On the flip side, in early American inns and taverns, it was the norm for random strangers to share beds with each other! https://heathracela.substack.com/p/pay-what-you-call-for-and-drink-what

Even ~35 years ago when my dad would travel for business, it was common for him to have a colleague share his hotel room. In my 20 year career, that has never been the norm and would probably be a deal breaker for a business trip for me. Interesting that college dorms may be the last to break these norms.

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Wow! Interesting. Had no idea. Yes, I do think there is something about becoming more individualistic. But I think there is more culturally there, too, in terms how we process living space.

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It would be interesting to see what your review of the container dorm/studio is like. I have heard from architects that they think that price range is reasonable - but - if it's of a less quality than a full new student studio building, that seems like not great.

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I'm sort of making that snap judgement in comparing to a regular trailer costs that is usually a 2-bedroom (e.g. manufactured home). Worth more investigation, yes.

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